The Cornell Alumni Association’s annual wine tasting and silent auction is one of our favorite events of the year! Finger Lakes wine, yummy treats and tons of great prizes to bid on – what more could you ask for?
At this year’s event Central New York oenophile’s enjoyed samples from 18 different Finger Lakes Wineries.
What goes better with wine than chocolate?
Catering at the Zoo provided delectable treats, including fresh fruit, a chocolate fountain, gourmet pastries and our famous chocolate mousse.
In our main banquet room we featured a turkey carving station and appetizer display.
Guests had all kinds of fun items to bid on in the silent auction – gift certificates, jewelry, tools, wine, artwork, you name it! Proceeds from the event help fund a Cornell University scholarship.
The lively event was a big success, and a good time was had by all. We’ll see you next year!